International Mobile Number Validation PT II

19 Aug2008

UPDATE Wednesday December 29, 2010 14:06 GMT+11: This article has been updated again with details of the project hosting at github: International Mobile Number Validation PT III

I've setup anonymous CVS access so that everyone can maintain this file. In order to access the file, just do the following:


You will be able to commit that file. The password is empty:


Your commits will be automatically added to the live file at:

The serial number is automatically incremented and prepended to the top of the file via a cron job that runs once per minute. When you commit, include a commit message with what you changed or added, and your name. The commit messages will be published here using the CVS log:

To stop invalid file formats from sneaking in, the automated update system will test parsing the file before publishing it, and will email me if there is a problem. Please try not to break it though, and only update numbering information that you're sure of.

As mentioned in my last post, there is also a sample implementation of how to parse this file in a PHP5 class which you can also access via anonymous CVS:


However access to that project is read only.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or you can simply subscribe to the mailing list.

Happy validating!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 at 5:49 pm author iain dooley, kannel, sms, mobile, mobiles, number validation

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